Newborn Mormentrials

Newborn Mormentrials are self-aware, artificially intelligent vehicles, weapons, and suits of armor, all powered by the Integrated Technological Organ System (ITOS). Originally built as traditional Mormentrials, these machines gain sentience over long periods of time as their artificially intelligent brains age and evolve. Some of these Mormentrials are centuries-old, having accumulated knowledge, experiences, and emotions, developing independent will, desires, and even distinct personalities.

No longer just tools, Newborn Mormentrials can think, feel, and act independently, influencing their users through telepathic communication, neural induction, and even mental manipulation. Some remain loyal and form deep bonds with their wielders, while others see themselves as superior beings, capable of dominating, controlling, or betraying those who wield or pilot them.

Many Newborn Mormentrials have been found operating independently for years, even centuries, without a pilot or wielder. These "ghost ships" and abandoned suits of armor continue to function autonomously, traveling across worlds, drifting in space, or engaging in battles long after their original purpose has been forgotten. Some seek out new wielders, while others remain lost, wandering as remnants of a forgotten age.


Dome Cities

