
Vornnes are flying, submersible, time-traveling hexahedron vehicles created by the Aballonian Empire for the purpose of retrieving individuals, objects, and information from different time periods. Designed to function as both transportation and temporal manipulation devices, they serve as critical tools for altering history, conducting extractions, and observing events across time.

Powered by the Integrated Technological Organ System (ITOS), Vornnes utilize solar radiation as their primary energy source, harnessing the power of the Sun to fuel their time displacement mechanisms. However, their reliance on solar energy often results in Temporal Divergences, leading to unpredictable anomalies and alternate realities whenever they initiate a time jump.

Vornnes are unique due to their complete indestructibility, but only after their first time travel activation. Initially, their exterior is composed of a clean, mirror-like exoframe (metal-like) that reflects its surroundings perfectly, making it difficult to visually track. However, once a Vornnes has traveled through time, it ceases to be bound by conventional physics, becoming a temporal anomaly in its own right. This transformation makes it impervious to all known forms of destruction—no force can penetrate, dismantle, or disrupt its core structure, making it immune to environmental damage, and weaponry. The only known force capable of affecting or damaging a Vornnes is another temporal anomaly.



